In this article, you will learn how to troubleshoot the basic problems that might happen in ASUS WebStorage Sync, including:
- Files not updating even though ASUS WebStorage Sync shows synchronization is complete.
- Failed upload or download of files.
- MySyncFolder in File Explorer and ASUS WebStorage for Web doesn't have the same content.
- ASUS WebStorage Sync suddenly stops working, crashes, or becomes unresponsive.
- Encountering an unknown error.
- Unable to log in:
Troubleshooting guide and support
- Right-click on the
icon located in the Windows taskbar.
- Hover your cursor over the [Support] option, and click on [Connection test].
- Wait for the system to detect the connection and confirm whether it is normal.
- If the connection is normal, the message "Test connection succeed" will be displayed.
- Right-click on the
- Right-click on the
icon located in the Windows taskbar.
- Hover your cursor over the [Support] option, and click on [Version update check].
- Wait for the system to check if the app is running on the latest version.
- If you have the latest version, the message "You already have the latest version!" will be displayed.
- If you need to update the app, you will see the message "Go to Download".
- Right-click on the
- Go to the Windows taskbar and find the
- Right-click on the icon and select [Settings].
- Once on the Settings page, click on the [Status] tab located on the left side to access the status page.
- You will be able to view the current synchronization status of your files on the status page.
- Once the synchronization is complete, you will see a green dot at the lower-left corner of each file or folder. You can then view your files on the ASUS WebStorage for Web.
- Note that a folder may display a green dot, but its files may still be syncing.
- Note that a folder may display a green dot, but its files may still be syncing.
- Go to the Windows taskbar and find the
- Check if the filename characters are compatible with the Windows operating system.
- Check if the filename character exceeds the Windows operating system length limit (255 characters).
- Check if the characters in the path where the file is located exceed the Windows operating system length limit (260 characters).
- Check if the file is a system file or temporary data.
- Check if the file is being opened by another application.
- Check if the file exceeds your single file upload size limit.
To ensure your files sync correctly, it's important to set the correct sync path.
Here are some examples of what to avoid when setting your sync path:
- Do not set the sync path as an external hard drive folder. For example, setting the sync path as "F:\My Documents" may cause issues with syncing because the external drive may not always be connected to the computer.
- Do not set the entire root of a drive. For example, setting the sync path as "C:"
- Do not set the entire Desktop directory. For example, setting the sync path as "C:\Users\John\Desktop" may cause issues with syncing because the Desktop folder may contain files or folders that are not meant to be synced, such as temporary files or system files. Instead, it's better to select specific folders within the Desktop directory that you want to sync, such as "C:\Users\John\Desktop\Documents" or "C:\Users\John\Desktop\Pictures".
If you notice that your files on your computer and in the cloud are not updated, you can "fix sync error" using the following steps:
- Right-click on the
icon located in the Windows taskbar.
- Hover your cursor over the [Support] option, and click on [Fix sync error].
- A window will appear with a message that reads, "Connecting to server in checking synchronized files…". Click [OK] and wait for at least 20 minutes. The actual completion time will depend on the number of files that require synchronization.
- After the [Status] shows that synchronization is complete, check to see if the files have been synced successfully.
Reinstall ASUS WebStorage Sync
If you are still experiencing issues with syncing your files, you may try uninstalling and reinstalling the ASUS WebStorage Sync. Here's how you can do it:
- Uninstall ASUS WebStorage Sync from your PC:
- In the search box on the taskbar, type "control" and select it from the results.
- Select "Programs" > "Programs and Features".
- Find ASUS WebStorage App and click on "Uninstall" or "Uninstall/Change". Follow the directions on the screen to complete the process.
- Reboot your computer.
- Install the latest version of ASUS WebStorage Sync
- Wait for the synchronization to complete.
- Right-click on the
If you are still experiencing issues with syncing your files, you may try uninstalling and reinstalling the ASUS WebStorage Sync. Here's how you can do it:
- Uninstall ASUS WebStorage Sync from your PC:
- In the search box on the taskbar, type "control" and select it from the results.
- Select "Programs" > "Programs and Features".
- Find ASUS WebStorage App and click on "Uninstall" or "Uninstall/Change". Follow the directions on the screen to complete the process.
- Reboot your computer.
- Install the latest version of ASUS WebStorage Sync
- Wait for the synchronization to complete.
- Uninstall ASUS WebStorage Sync from your PC:
If you have attempted the previous troubleshooting steps but the issue persists, you can reach out to the ASUS WebStorage Support Team by submitting a problem report form. When filling out the form, it's important to include your operating system version and the date and time the issue occurred.
To effectively speed up the problem resolution, it's recommended that you provide the following information in the "Description" and "Upload File" sections:
- The version of ASUS WebStorage Sync you are using.
- Full screenshots of the error message you encountered.
- Full screenshot of the [Status] Page.
- Detailed steps on the operations you have performed.
- LOG files - to obtain these:
- Right-click on the
icon in the Windows taskbar.
- Move the cursor to [Support], and click [Get log file].
- You will be directed to C:\Users\User name\AppData\Roaming\ASUS WebStorage\Logs.
- Please compress all the files in the "Logs" folder into a compressed file, such as a ZIP file, and share it with the support team.