Uploading files and folders to "ASUS WebStorage for Web"

Uploading files and folders to the ASUS WebStorage for Web is easy and straightforward. You have different options to choose from, depending on your preference and requirements. Below are the ways you can upload your files and folders


  • If you upload a file with the exact same name and file extension as an existing file, the system will create a new version of the file.
  • To view the version history of a file, simply click on the "clock" icon next to the file. From there, you can choose to preview or download previous versions of the file.
    1. Log in to ASUS WebStorage for Web.
    2. Click the [+New] button in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu.
    3. Select [Upload file].
    4. Choose the files you want to upload and click [Open].
    1. Log in to the ASUS WebStorage for Web.
    2. Click the [+New] button in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu.
    3. Select [Upload folder].
    4. Choose the folder you want to upload and click [Open].
    5. Confirm that you want to upload the folder in the pop-up window.
    6. Click [Upload], and the folder will start uploading.
    1. Log in to ASUS WebStorage for Web.
    2. Hover your mouse over the files/folders you want to upload.
    3. Press and hold the left mouse button.
    4. Drag the files/folders to the blue area on the web page.
    5. Release the mouse button to start uploading.
      1. Note: You can also drag and drop files/folders into a specific folder.Screen_Shot_2022-08-03_at_6.23.11_PM.png
    1. Download and install "ASUS WebStorage Sync" on your computer.
    2. Log in to ASUS WebStorage Sync using your ASUS Cloud ID and password.
    3. Once ASUS WebStorage Sync is installed, a desktop shortcut will be automatically set up to help you quickly access MySyncFolder.
    4. To synchronize any file between your computer and the cloud, simply duplicate or drag the file into MySyncFolder.
    5. After the synchronization of any file/folder is complete, a green dot will appear at the lower-left corner of the file/folder. Note that when the green dot appears on the folder, the files in the folder may still be synchronizing. Please ensure that all files in the folder appear with green dots.
      1. After synchronization is complete, you can access the files/folders in ASUS WebStorage for Web > MySyncFolder.