How to share folders with friends who have ASUS Cloud IDs?

ASUS WebStorage provides a simple and secure way to share your files and folders with your friends and family who also have ASUS Cloud IDs. With the "Share only with collaborators" function, you can easily grant access to specific folders to only those you choose, ensuring that your shared files are kept private and secure.

Requirements for adding members to a folder

Two conditions must be met when adding members to a folder:

  1. You and your member's ASUS Cloud IDs need to be in the same service area.
    1. The service area for each account is automatically assigned based on the country or location where the account was registered.
  2. All the member's ASUS Cloud IDs must be valid.
  1. Log in to ASUS WebStorage for Web.
  2. Right-click on the folder you want to share.
  3. Select [Share].
  4. Choose [Share only with collaborators] under the "Link Settings" section.
  5. In the "Add Member" field, enter the ASUS Cloud ID of the person you want to share the folder with. You can also import multiple members by clicking [Import] and uploading a CSV file.
  6. Click the pencil icon next to the "Add Member" field to set the member's access permissions.
  7. Once you have added your collaborators, you can either copy the shared link to them or wait for them to receive a notification email.

Edit Member:

  1. Editing allowed: This permission allows members to upload, edit, browse, and delete files in the folder.
  2. Manageable members: Members with this permission have all the privileges of "Editing allowed", and they can also add, change, or delete other members. They have the same level of access to the files/folders as the owner.
  3. View and download: This permission allows members to only view and download the file/folder. Members with this permission cannot make any changes or upload new files to the folder.

If you want to set an expiration date or storage quota for the shared folder, click the [Link Security Settings].

  1. To set an expiration date, select the date in the "Link Expiration Date" field. Once the link expires, the folder will no longer be shared.
  2. To set a storage quota, enter the quota in the "Storage Setting" field. Once the file size in the folder exceeds the storage quota, members will no longer be able to upload files.