Troubleshoot issues with Camera Upload

If you are experiencing the following issues when using the "Camera Upload" function in ASUS WebStorage, the following troubleshooting steps may assist in resolving the issue.

  1. Inability to upload photos/videos automatically.
  2. File upload failure.
  3. An unknown error occurred.
  • The minimum requirements are as follows:

    • iOS:
      iOS 12 or higher
    • Android:
      Android 8 or higher
  • The ASUS WebStorage Mobile App (iOS) does not support background uploads. It is necessary to keep the screen of your iPhone/iPad awake and active while uploading.

  • If using a cellular network on your device, ensure that the signal strength is full. If the signal is weak, try moving to a different location or switching to a Wi-Fi network. If using a Wi-Fi network, make sure the network is connected.

  • Verify if the latest version of the ASUS WebStorage mobile app has been installed by visiting Google Play or App Store.

  • Confirm that your Camera Upload settings are as expected:

    • To back up all photos and videos on your device, select the "Backup all photos" option and turn on the "Include videos" toggle in the "Backup information" section.

    • To upload photos automatically even when using a cellular network, make sure the "Use cellular data for backup when there is no Wi-Fi" toggle is turned on in the "Backup options" section.







  • If the issue persists, try reinstalling the app by following these steps:

    1. Uninstall the app
    2. Install the latest version of the ASUS WebStorage App from Google Play or App Store.
    3. Restart your device
    4. Verify that your internet connection is stable and turn on the camera upload function to upload again.
  • If you have attempted the above troubleshooting steps and the issues persist, please reach out to the ASUS WebStorage Support Team by submitting a problem report form. To ensure prompt and efficient resolution, please include the following information in your report:

    1. Device model
    2. ASUS WebStorage App version
    3. Full screenshot of the error message
    4. Full screenshot of camera upload settings
    5. Detailed steps are taken when encountering the issue.