Transferring Google Photos to ASUS WebStorage

If you want to transfer your Google Photos to ASUS WebStorage, you can follow these steps:


  1. Go to Google Takeout by clicking on this link.
  2. Click on [Deselect all] in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Select [Google Photos] from the list.
  4. Click on [Next step] in the lower-right corner of the page.
  5. Choose your desired file type, frequency, and destination. You can keep the default settings and slick on [Create export]".
  6. After the export is complete, you will receive an email notification.
  7. Click on [Download your files].
  8. Unzip the downloaded file.
  9. You can now start uploading your photos to ASUS WebStorage for Web, WebStorage Sync, or ASUS Secure Auto-Backup.